Manor Haven Lane
Deceased 04-11-96, Houston, Texas
Joe was saved on their wedding
day, April 21, 1952. He made a public profession and was baptized at Broadway
Baptist in Galveston.
He worked for Exxon for 18 years
and State Farm Insurance for 21 years. While
at Exxon Joe, along with the President of the
company laid the cornerstone for the Exxon Building Houston.
Birthday 05-13-32
Born in Huntington, Texas
IvaNell is a freelance writer (Author/Lecturer), Co-owned business “Hugs
& Tugs” Pre-school Child Car for 8 years.
To keep her mind active while
raising children IvaNell began to write short stories, articles and newspaper
articles. She wrote for many
different publications including Home Life, Young
Miss, Writer’s Digest Yearbook and a non-fiction book
Gentle Giants, Women Writers of Texas.
She wrote and sold over 200 pieces of material while raising children.
Joe & IvaNell were married
April 21, 1952 in Galveston, Texas.
Children of
Joe & IvaNell:
Robin and Stuart’s child